Madison Local Schools student killed in tragic accident was 5th grader
An 11-year-old Madison Local Schools elementary student died after an accident Thursday night in Madison Twp.
Dead geese found in Warren County pond as bird flu cases rise
Dozens of dead Canada geese were reported recently in a Warren County pond amid a growing number of avian flu cases in...
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VIDEO: Ribbon cutting for signs recognizing JD Vance as Vice President
VIDEO: Ribbon cutting for signs recognizing JD Vance as Vice President
Credit: Provided/Fairfield Police Department
Fairfield Police arrest 18-year-old on robbery charge
Videoed is the arrest of Devin Metcalf, 18, of Springfield, by Fairfield Police Department on Thursday, Jan. 23, 2025.
Reporter tries Graeter's Skyline Chili-inspired ice cream
Graeter’s has collaborated with Skyline Chili on a new limited-edition ice cream flavor called, "Skyline Spice with...
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