18 shots were fired, but cause of deaths still pending in West Chester Twp. quadruple homicide

A review of the preliminary autopsy report prepared by the Butler County Coroner’s Office of April’s West Chester Twp. quadruple homicide reveals an investigation in progress.

Despite a total of 18 gunshots suffered by the four family members cause of death remains pending.

By law, journalists are permitted to review preliminary report, but not take notes, record or copy. Four separate reports, much with the same information for the people found dead in the Wyndtree Drive apartment, have been prepared. Time of death was listed at about 9:15 p.m. on Sunday, April 28.

MORE: 4 weeks after West Chester homicides, what do we know?

West Chester Police were dispatched to the residence at about 9:40 p.m. by a family member who called 911, saying people were bleeding.

“My wife and my family are on the ground bleeding.” the male caller told dispatchers. The person is also listed on the autopsy reports as last person to see the four victims minutes or hours before the slayings.

Police found Hakiakat Singh Pannag, 59, and his wife, Parmjit Kaur, 62, in their apartment at 4562 Wyndtree Drive with their daughter, Shalinderjit Kaur, 39 and Parmjit Kaur’s sister, Amarjit Kaur, 58.

Hakiakat Singh Pannag was found in bed, head on a pillow on his left side, according to the autospy report. He has been shot in the head eight times, but the autopsy report details just six of those shots.

His wife, 62-year-old Parmjit Kaur, was shot four times in the head and once in the arm. She was found laying on the living room floor.

The other two victims were also found in the living room and appeared to be dressed in night clothes. Shalinderjit Kaur was shot three times in the head. Amarjit Kaur, who was visiting from India, was shot twice in the head.

MORE: Body cam footage released of West Chester police response to shooting that killed 4

Police have said one of the victims appeared to have been preparing food at the time of the homicide. It was burning on the stove when officers arrived.

A sheet of thumbnail photos of the crime scene and victims were also part of the file. While difficult to see, the photos show devastating scene of where four people died violently.

In the weeks since the deaths, which are classified as homicides by the coroner’s office, police have searched the residence and another nearby. A pond behind the apartment building was searched with boats and divers.

The search warrants have been returned to the Butler County Clerk of Courts Office and ordered sealed by a judge, according to Mary Swain, county clerk of courts.

There have been no updates from police, but Chief Joel Herzog has said the homicide are not hate crime, though the shootings were not a random act.

MORE: West Chester homicides not random, investigators have ‘followed countless leads’

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