Convicted sexual offender arrested in Idaho wanted for new Warren County child sex crimes

A convicted sexual offender, now wanted on new child sex crimes in Warren County, is awaiting extradition to Ohio following his Thursday morning arrest near Boise, Idaho, the U.S. Marshals Service announced.

Shane Allen Burns, 41, of Miamisburg, is charged in Warren County Common Pleas Court with two counts of rape, two counts of sexual battery, eight counts of gross sexual imposition and one count of attempting to commit an offense. All of the charges involve children and reportedly happened between June 2015 and April 2019, according to a release from U.S. Marshal Pete Tobin.

Burns is a licensed over-the-road truck driver and was discovered to be traveling from Vancouver, Washington, to Cuyahoga County in Ohio in a commercial vehicle. Idaho State Police intercepted Burns during his route and conducted a traffic stop outside Boise. Idaho troopers arrested Burns without incident and booked him into jail.

The fugitive investigation involved the U.S. Marshal’s Southern Ohio Fugitive Apprehensive Strike Team (SOFAST), Pacific Northwest Violent Offender Task Force, Greater Idaho Fugitive Task Force, Idaho State Police, Warren County Sheriff’s Office and the Miamisburg Police Department.

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