- Easter EGGstravaganza, at Faith Community Church, 6558 Liberty Fairfield Road, Liberty Twp. 10 a.m.
- Helicopter Easter Egg Hunt, at Heroes Park, 6032 Morris Road, Fairfield Twp. 10 a.m. Bring a basket or bag to collect eggs.
- Trenton Community Easter Egg Hunt, at Trenton Community Park, 440 Dell Drive. Activities begin at 10:15 a.m., and the egg hunt will begin at 11 a.m. For children 12 and under.
- Daytime Egg Scramble, at Oxford Community Park, Oxford. 11 a.m.
- West Chester Firefighters Association Easter Egg Hunt, at Keehner Park, 7411 Barret Road, West Chester Twp. 1 p.m. For children 8 years and younger.
- John E. Dolibois History Prize Lecture with Presidential historian Michael Beschloss, at Parrish Auditorium, Miami University Hamilton, 1601 University Blvd. 7 p.m. RSVP at MiamiOH.edu/Regionals/RSVP.
- Down Home, Downtown, at Miami Hamilton Downtown Center, 221 High St. 7 p.m. Music by The Great Miami Bluegrass Band.
- Faculty Unhinged: Resurrection in the Mountains: Reconnecting and Restoring our Spirit, at Rentschler Hall, Miami University Hamilton, 1601 University Blvd. and simulcast at Johnston Hall 100, Miami University Middletown. 11:30 a.m.
- Celebrating Self present Cincinnati Rollergirls, at Fitton Center for Creative Arts, 101 S. Monument Ave., Hamilton. 11:30 a.m. fittoncenter.org
- You Can Make It @ the TEC Lab Makerspace, at Gardner-Harvey Library, Miami Middletown University. 2-4 p.m. Design your own vinyl stickers. MiamiOH.edu
- Old-time Music Jam, at Miriam G. Knoll Community Center, Miami University Middletown, 4200 N. University Blvd. 4-6 p.m. RSVP at MiamiOH.edu/Regionals/RSVP.
- Artist Laureate Tour with Nyama McCarthy-Brown, at Parrish Auditorium, Miami University Hamilton. 6 p.m.
- First Friday @ First Methodist Concert, at 120 S. Broad St., Middletown. Noon. Free
- Jazzercise, at Miami Hamilton Downtown Center, 221 High St. 9 a.m. For more information, call 262-227-7841 or email mariannemagee@comcast.net.
- Fitton Showstoppers present “One of These Nights,” at Fitton Center for Creative Arts, 101 S. Monument Ave., Hamilton. 7:30 p.m. fittoncenter.org
- A Space Race, a 5k and 10k galactic voyage through scenic, paved recreational trails, in Leonard Howell Park, Oxford. 9 a.m. cityofoxford.org/spacerace
- Butler Philharmonic Orchestra present Broadway Meets Blockbuster, at Sorg Opera House, Middletown. 3 p.m. butlerphil.org/events
- Animals You Know of But Not About: Mollusca, on Zoom and in person at Gardner-Harvey Library 014 TEC SPACE, Miami University Middletown, 4200 N. University Blvd. 4 p.m. miamioh.edu/regionals
- The Cincinnati Shakespeare Company presents “Romeo and Juliet,” at Parrish Auditorium, Miami University Hamilton. 7 p.m. MiamiOH.edu
- SongFarmers, at Miami Hamilton Downtown Center, 221 High St. 7 p.m. An acoustic jam session.
- Faculty Unhinged: So, Who Really Wrote the Christian Bible Anyway?, at Rentschler Hall, Miami University Hamilton, 1601 University Blvd. and simulcast at Johnston Hall 100, Miami University Middletown. 11:30 a.m.
- Red Door Community Concert, at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, 25 E. Walnut, Oxford. 12:15 p.m. John Zappa with his jazz ensemble Now Hear This. Free
- Jazzercise, at Miami Hamilton Downtown Center, 221 High St. 9 a.m. For more information, call 262-227-7841 or email mariannemagee@comcast.net.
- Racial Legacies and Learning Step Show, at Parrish Auditorium, Miami University Hamilton. 2 p.m.
- Step Afrika!, at Parrish Auditorium, Miami University Hamilton. 6 p.m.
- Oxford Community Arts Center’s Annual Gala “Hats Off to the Derby,” at 10 S. College Ave., Oxford. 6:30-10:30 p.m. oxarts.org
- Creativa Convergence, at Miami Hamilton Downtown Center, 221 High St. Sign-up for this open-mic program begins at 7 p.m. and performances start at 7:30 p.m.
- Faculty Unhinged: Let’s Face It! We All Have It!, at Rentschler Hall, Miami University Hamilton, 1601 University Blvd. and simulcast at Johnston Hall 100, Miami University Middletown. 11:30 a.m.
- The Underground Academy Presents “There is No AWAY,” by Zoom and at Gardner-Harvey Library 014 TEC SPACE, Miami University Middletown. 4 p.m. Learn how there truly is no way to dispose of things and stuff.
- Verity Traditions presents “Cincinnati and Soup,” at Verity Lodge, Miami University Middletown. 6 p.m. RSVP at MiamiOH.edu/Regionals/RSVP. Light Cincinnati-themed dinner will be served at 5:30 p.m.
- Jazzercise, at Miami Hamilton Downtown Center, 221 High St. 9 a.m. For more information, call 262-227-7841 or email mariannemagee@comcast.net.
- Christ United Methodist Church annual Indoor Community Garage Sale, at 700 S. Marshall Road.
- Fitton Showstoppers present “Bollywood!,” at Fitton Center for Creative Arts, 101 S. Monument Ave., Hamilton. 7:30 p.m. fittoncenter.org
- Faculty Unhinged: You ARE What You Eat: Are We Getting the Nutrients That We Need?, at Rentschler Hall, Miami University Hamilton, 1601 University Blvd. and simulcast at Johnston Hall 100, Miami University Middletown. 11:30 a.m.
- Learn it at Lunch: How To Do It!, on Zoom and at The Conservatory Classroom, Miami University Hamilton, 1601 University Blvd. 12:30 p.m. MiamiOH.edu/Regionals/RSVP
- Genealogy: Cemetery Research, at Miami Hamilton Downtown Center, 221 High St. 7 p.m. Brad Spurlock of Lane Public Libraries will instruct people how to read cemetery records and headstones to find information about ancestors.
APRIL 25-28
- Greater Hamilton Civic Theatre present “Hello, Dolly!,” at Parrish Auditorium, Miami University Hamilton, 1600 University Blvd. ghctplay.com
- Fitton Family Fridays present “The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe,” at Fitton Center for Creative Arts, 101 S. Monument Ave., Hamilton. 7:30 p.m. fittoncenter.org
- Jazzercise, at Miami Hamilton Downtown Center, 221 High St. 9 a.m. For more information, call 262-227-7841 or email mariannemagee@comcast.net.
- Oxford Chalks the Walks, at Oxford Community Arts Center, 10 S. College Ave., Oxford. 11 a.m.-3 p.m. oxarts.org
APRIL 27-28
- Annual Asian Food Fest, in downtown Cincinnati on Court Street, between Elm and Main streets. The festival will be held from 11 a.m.-10 p.m. April 27 and 11 a.m.-8 p.m. April 28. asianfoodfest.org
- National Parks Talks Series present Crown Point State Historic Site/Fort St. Frederic, on Zoom and in person at Gardner-Harvey Library 014 TEC SPACE, Miami University Middletown, 4200 N. University Blvd. 4:30 p.m. miamioh.edu/regionals
- The Music Collective, at Miami Hamilton Downtown Center, 221 High St. 7 p.m. A showcase for musicians of all levels to share their talent.
This list of events is created from information submitted to the Journal-News. To see more things to do or submit an event, go online to journal-news.com/events or email amy.burzynski@coxinc.com.
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