- First Friday @ First Methodist Noon time Concert, at First United Methodist Church, 120 S. Broad St., Middletown, noon
- First Friday Concert Series, at Governors Square, Middletown. 5 to 9 p.m.
- Oxford Community Contra Dance, at Oxford Community Arts Center, 10 S. College Ave. 7:45 p.m.
- Trippin’ Billies - The Dave Matthews Tribute Band, at Fairfield Community Arts Center, 411 Wessel Drive, Fairfield. 8 p.m. fairfield-city.org
- Soul2Solo Concert, at Sesquicentennial Chapel, Miami University, Oxford. 8 p.m. Admission is free, but donations are appreciated.
- Friends of the Hamilton-Fairfield Lane Libraries Annual Used Book Sale, in the gymnasium at Queen of Peace Parish, 2550 Millville Ave. Hours are 4-8 p.m. today, and 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday.
- Hamilton High School present Disney’s “Newsies,” at 1165 Eaton Ave., Hamilton.
- The Performing Arts Academy present “Oklahoma,” at 4400 Lewis St., Middletown. theperformingartsacademy.com
- Hometown Tourist Challenge, at Hamilton Lane Library, 300 N. Third St. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Celebrate “National Tourism Day” early with a series of downtown Hamilton-based challenges. Pick up a challenge “passport” and return it completed within the challenge time to win a small prize and be entered into a grand prize drawing.
- Sean McVay to join Cradle of Coaches, at Yager Stadium, 700 Weeb Ewbank Way, Oxford. Noon, free
- Uncovering Egypt with Cincinnati Museum Center, at Hamilton Lane Library, 300 N. Third St. 2 p.m., for ages 7-12. Registration required. lanepl.org
- Fitton Showstoppers presents CCJO Goes to the Movies, at Fitton Center for Creative Arts, 101 S. Monument Ave., Hamilton. 7:30 p.m. fittoncenter.org
- Riders In The Sky, at Sorg Opera House, 63 S. Main St., Middletown. 8 p.m.
- Billy Idol, at PNC Pavilion, 6295 Kellogg Ave., Cincinnati. 8 p.m. ticketmaster.com
- Chicago, at The Rose Music Center at the Heights, 6800 Executive Blvd., Hubert Heights. 8 p.m. ticketmaster.com
- The Flying Pig Marathon, through Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. Beginning at 6:30 a.m.
- Wildflower Walks, at Peffer Park, 4346 Millville Oxford Road, Oxford. 1 p.m. Held every Sunday through May 14.
- Fair Readiness, at Fairfield Lane Library, 1485 Corydale Drive. 1 p.m. Learn more about entering a project in Butler County Fair. For ages 8 and older.
MAY 10
- Jazzercise, at the Miami Regionals Hamilton Center, 221 High St., Hamilton. 9:30 a.m. Wednesdays through May 24, 262-227-7841
- Community Open House, at Richard and Carole Cocks Art Museum. 801 S. Patterson Ave., Oxford. 5-8 p.m.
- Fair Readiness, at Fairfield Lane Library, 1485 Corydale Drive. 6 p.m. Learn more about entering a project in Butler County Fair. For ages 8 and older.
- SongFarmers, at the Miami Regionals Hamilton Center, 221 High St., Hamilton. 7 p.m. An acoustic jam session.
MAY 12
- Food Truck Park, at Lefferson Park, Breiel Blvd., Middletown. Noon to 8 p.m.
- Second Friday: Celebration of the Arts, at Oxford Community Arts Center, 10 S. College Ave. 6 p.m.
- Rocking with Rotary Concert, at Sorg Opera House, 63 S. Main St., Middletown, 8 p.m. Benefit concert for Middletown Rotary Club’s charitable projects, cincyticket.com/rotary
MAY 13
- Four Season Garden Club Plant Sale, at Village Green Park, 301 Wessel Drive, Fairfield. 8:30-11:30 a.m. Proceeds benefit Fairfield community projects. 513-829-1972
- Hamilton Flea, at Marcum Park, 116 Dayton St., Hamilton. 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
- Barn-n-Bunk Mother’s Day Craft Show, at 3677 Wayne Madison Road, Trenton. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- The 1869 Red Stockings will challenge the Reily Fire/EMS to a vintage ball game, at the Reily Twp. Community Center, 6061 Reily Millville Road. 11 a.m.-4 p.m.
- Family Flower Planting, at Hamilton Lane Library, 300 N. Third St. 2 p.m. For ages 3 and older. Registration required, lanepl.org
- Garden Talk, at Fairfield Lane Library, 1485 Corydale Drive. 2 p.m. Registration required, lanepl.org
- The Great Library Seed and Plant Swap, at Oxford Lane Library, 441 S. Locust St. 2-4 p.m.
- Tri-State Wrestling “Double Down”, at Fitton Center for Creative Arts, 101 S. Monument Ave., Hamilton. 7 p.m. TriStateWrestlingOnline.com.
- Creativa Convergence, at the Miami Regionals Hamilton Center, 221 High St., Hamilton. Sign-up for this open-mic program begins at 7 p.m., performances start at 7:30 p.m.
MAY 14
- Middletown Shrine Club Charity Car Show, at Smith Park, Middletown. Gates open at 7 a.m. Opening ceremonies at noon.
- Hospice Care of Middletown Annual 5k Run/Walk, at Woodside Cemetery and Arboretum, 1401 Woodside Blvd., Middletown. 8:30 a.m.
- Wildflower Walks, at Peffer Park, 4346 Millville Oxford Road, Oxford. 1 p.m.
- Guided Tour of the Sorg Opera House, 63 S. Main St., Middletown. 3-4:30 p.m., sorgoperahouse.org
This list of events is created from information submitted to the Journal-News. To see more things to do or submit an event, go online to journal-news.com/events or email amy.burzynski@coxinc.com.
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