Franklin Twp. man sentenced to life in prison in child rape case

A Franklin Twp. man who was tried earlier this week on multiple charges of rape and sexual abuse of a child under 10 years of age was sentenced to life in prison by a Warren County Common Pleas Court judge.

On Wednesday, Todd Jeffrey Rogers, 43, was found guilty of one count each of rape of a child under the age of 10 years and of attempted rape of a child under the age of 10 years, both first-degree felony charges, plus six counts of gross sexual imposition, a third-degree felony.

Judge Robert Peeler sentenced Rogers to life in prison. His first opportunity for parole will be in 15 years.

In August 2022, the 8-year-old victim disclosed the abuse to her mother, who then reported It to the Warren County Sheriff’s Office. The victim reported Rogers had been sexually abusing her since the age of 5.

Rogers has been designated as a Tier III sexual offender, requiring him to register with the sheriff’s office every 90 days for the remainder of his life.

“I’m so grateful that this jury listened to the testimony of that little girl, and in handing down this verdict told her, ‘We believe you,’ ” said Warren County Prosecutor David P. Fornshell.

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