The movie has not yet received its rating from the MPAA.
The movie resumes the story of Alan Wholman (portrayed by Brooks Harvey) in the sequel to the faith-based thriller “Alan and the Fullness of Time.” Both movies were filmed in Hamilton and around other parts of Butler County and Greater Cincinnati.
Alan Wohlman is a boy with a supernatural destiny and faces the scrutiny of the increasingly distrusting government investigation centered around his pastor/guardian’s casting of a demon out of their church months before.
“The Alan saga has been focused on telling a gritty, intense hero’s journey from the outset, with an emphasis on end-times and government corruption,” said writer and director Markus Cook. “This newest entry will bring audiences on a ride that warns of a dark future if we don’t fight back.”
Heaven Bound Films is a subsidiary of Heavenly C. Ministries for the World, which produced the film. The studio was founded in 2013 “with a focus on telling compelling, challenging Faith-based stories that elevate the medium.”
“Alan and the Rulers of the Air” is believed to be the first sequel to a movie filmed in Hamilton, and picks up a few months after the events of the first film, which was released in 2019.
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