Hamilton’s Fill-a-Truck food drive helps Serve City provide more than 1,200 meals

The Hamilton Public Works Department didn’t meet its 4,000-pound food donation goal, but it did make a sizeable ― and much-needed ― donation to Serve City’s food pantry.

For the past several years for Public Works Week, the city has organized a food drive to benefit Serve City, which is on East Avenue. In the first three years of the program, more than 10,000 pounds of food has been delivered. Dan Arthur, Hamilton’s assistant public works director, said this year’s Fill-a-Truck food drive goal was a bit lofty where they wanted to beat the 2022 collection of 3,300, but is still happy with the generosity of those who gave.

“It means the world to us,” Arthur said for the city and schools to support Serve City. “For Public Works Week, we try to do something fun for the city and give back, and this is a way we can help fill the pantries at Serve City and give back to our citizens. They do so much for our community.”

The 2,600 pounds equates to nearly 1,240 meals. Last year, Serve City serviced more than 16,200 individuals through the food pantry.

The food drive was kicked off with a $900 donation from Meijer, and city and parochial schools had barrels out prior to Public Works Week to collect food for the drive before the summer break. During Public Works Week, city employees collected food at the two Kroger locations in Hamilton.

Donations at Serve City are down typically during the summer months given it’s not a typical season of giving, such as Thanksgiving and Christmas, said Serve City Executive Director Tammi Ector. But the tight economy also doesn’t help, and the food drive is always impactful for the pantry.

“Addressing hunger insecurity is one of the three main areas of outreach that Serve City provides to the community and beyond,” she said. “We have always appreciated the Fill-a-Truck, and it has been even more meaningful this year given those factors, and it will go a long way toward helping us make up the deficits that we’ve experienced with food donations.

Serve City’s food pantry is open to all neighbors in need in Hamilton and Butler County. The pantry is open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Donations are always accepted at the pantry from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Saturday.

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