Butler County nearly split, but more pro-choice in Tuesday’s Issue 1 vote

The measure passed by a margin of 50.63% to 49.37% here.

Abortion is legal in Ohio. The same state where Donald Trump won twice by convincing margins.

On Tuesday, this ballot measure won by a double-digit margin. In Butler County, the result was much closer. But it passed. And the result in what’s long been known as a Republican stronghold is perhaps even more striking.

On social media, the county’s Democratic Party celebrated.

“Butler County is Pro-Choice!”, read a post.

In Butler County, the measure passed by a margin of 50.63% to 49.37%. The difference was 1,456 votes. In neighboring Warren and Clermont counties, the measure failed, with 51.80% of residents voting against it.

Election results will not be finalized until Nov. 28.

Kathy Wyenandt, chairwoman of the Butler County Democratic Party, said for the second time this year, voters “sent a loud and clear message to the corrupt, out-of-touch Republicans in Columbus that their agenda is too extreme for Ohio.

“We look forward to continuing our important work of standing up for common sense, decency, and democracy in 2024,” she said.

The Journal-News reached out to the Butler County Republican Party and will update this article when representatives respond.

On Tuesday, Ohio voters passed Issue 1 and guaranteed a limited right to abortion in the state constitution, nullifying the state’s temporarily-blocked 6 week abortion ban that provides no exceptions for cases of rape or incest.

The race was called by the Associated Press just after 9 p.m. Ohioans approved Issue 1 by a margin of 56.3% to 43.7%, according to unofficial results. The result was similar to August’s vote on whether everyday Ohioans should keep this power to change the state constitution via ballot issue.

Tuesday’s abortion rights vote was a constitutional amendment, so it is harder for politicians who disagree with it to change it. But Ohio’s statehouse Republican leaders said they plan to try.

“As a 100% pro-life conservative, I remain steadfastly committed to protecting life, and that commitment is unwavering,” said House Speaker Jason Stephens, R-Kitts Hill. “The legislature has multiple paths that we will explore to continue to protect innocent life. This is not the end of the conversation.”

Credit: Nick Graham

Credit: Nick Graham

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