Audits: Ohio made near-perfect tally of presidential results

County post-election audits show Ohio’s 2020 votes were tallied to near perfection, the state’s elections chief said Tuesday

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — A post-election audit has found that Ohio's 2020 votes were tallied to near perfection, including those cast in the presidential contest, the state's elections chief said Tuesday.

The announcement by Republican Secretary of State Frank LaRose came a day ahead of a brewing showdown in Congress over the outcome of the race between Republican President Donald Trump and Democratic President-elect Joe Biden. Trump has refused to concede and continues, with the help of allies, to pursue challenges to Biden's victory.

The effort hasn't targeted Ohio, which Trump won by more than 8 percentage points.

LaRose has responded to months of unfounded assertions by the president, including that results were rigged, fraudulent or stolen, by touting Ohio's bipartisan, decentralized election system and advocating transparency.

That included making post-election audit results available online for the first time. In counties that used percentage-based assessments, presidential results were 99.98% accurate, LaRose said.

“The incredible accuracy of the results as reflected in the post-election audits should make every Ohioan proud not only of their bipartisan election officials, but of the system we have in place,” he said in a statement. "Ohio ran a fair and accurate election.”