Middletown residents can participate in remote public hearings today

Middletown residents can participate in two public hearings at today’s 5:30 p.m. City Council meeting via Zoom.

Council has scheduled its 2020 annual action plan regarding funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development that sets the program activities and budget for utilizing annual funding from the Community Development Block Grant Program.

The other public hearing concerns a rezoning request of 5.59 acres for a property northeast of the intersection of Lefferson Road and Spring Grove Lane from a B-1 Neighborhood Business Zoning District to an I-1 Industrial Park Zoning District. The city Planning Commission sent its recommendation to council for final review and decision.

Citizens can participate during the public hearing portion of the council meeting by joining the live Zoom meeting via their computer or a touchtone phone. All public attendees will be kept muted until they are called on. At that time, the moderator will give them permission to unmute and make their comments during the public hearing portion of the meeting.

However, citizens will not be able to use Zoom to make citizen comments. Any Citizen Comments received will be read into the record at the time set in the agenda. Comments can be submitted to Clerk of Council Amy Schenck via email prior to the meeting until 4:30 p.m. today at amys@cityofmiddletown.org.

Citizens can watch the council meeting will be live-streamed via Facebook live and the meeting will be posted on the city's YouTube channel after the meeting.

How to participate in the public hearing before Middletown City Council

Computers or Mobile Devices

• Open a web browser and go to meet.cityofmiddletown.org

• Follow the instructions to install the Zoom app and join the meeting.

• Once in the meeting, please ensure your name is correct so you can be called on if you raise your hand.

Touchtone Phone

• Call (312) 626-6799

• Enter the Meeting ID: 122 738 472

• Do not enter a Host Key

• Enter the password: 005240

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