Lawmaker encourages volunteers for schools

Just one hour a week can make a difference in children’s lives, Cates says.

MIDDLETOWN — What difference can one hour make in a child’s life?

State Sen. Gary Cates, R-West Chester Twp., said he’s learned how valuable the gift of time is for students during his volunteer work at Highview Elementary School. Cates is in his second year volunteering as a tutor with Highview second-graders William Leach and James Tannreuther.

Cates was at Highview on Thursday, May 6, to unveil a new literacy poster featuring William, James and himself encouraging kids to read. The poster will be on display at all Middletown elementary schools as well as in libraries throughout Butler County.

After the poster unveiling, William and James enjoyed some time with Cates playing a game that helps the students bring together word parts.

“Sometimes we play games to help them with their words, but mostly we read books,” Cates said. “These students want to know if I’m coming back. It is the individual time they enjoy.”

Cates said anyone who doubts the need of good volunteers in the schools should go into a classroom for an hour to see what’s happening. Many students come to school lacking some of the basic building blocks of learning, to which Cates said teachers have to devote much time and energy.

“There are 20 or 21 students in a class, too big for a teacher to give the individual attention students need,” Cates said. “What I see here is not stuff that can be seen from Columbus in a committee where it is sanitized.”

Cates said he plans to challenge the business and faith community to encourage its employees and members to give just one our of their time each week in a local school.

“It’s an investment in the future of the student, the community and their businesses,” he said. “We just passed a levy and that’s great, but it’s not enough. Money is only part of the equation. There is a human element there that is just as important. These are the people who will live and work in our community.”

For James and William, the impact is simple and personal.

“It’s fun and I like it,” said James. “It’s good that we can do this because it helps us read better. Other kids should have a chance to do this, too.”

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