Hamilton businesses come together for local students

One of the city’s newest and largest employers spent time Wednesday making sure local students had all the supplies they needed for a new school year.

StarTek Inc. partnered with The Fitton Center as well as other local businesses and organizations to give away free school supplies and haircuts to Hamilton City Schools students.

The “Back 2 School Drive” is something the company has hosted at its other locations across the country, according to Vincent Jackson, engagement center director for StarTek.

“The team here decided that it was something they wanted to do for the community and went out and bought the supplies to support Hamilton schools,” he said.

Children and their parents flocked to the event as information about it spread on social media, according to Jackson, who watched a line form for the free smorgasbord of supplies, including notebooks, pens and bookbags.

“I am surprised by the size of this crowd,” he said.

“This is far better that we expected,” Jackson said as he surveyed the line that went outside the company’s entrance on High Street and around the sidewalk past Alexander’s Deli. “We started seeing the hype on Facebook earlier today and by the time 4:30 rolled around we had a full lobby. It’s great.”

Greg Austin, recruiting manager for StarTek, said it was “great” to see so many people show up to participate in the event.

“Obviously this is the first event and we are just so happy with this turnout,” he said. “We do plan to do this again next year and we will add on with food and different elements as well — especially more supplies to prepare for such a big crowd.”

Joni Copas, spokeswoman for Hamilton City Schools, said the district is “very appreciative of the many organizations in the city that help support the students and their parents.”

Ivy Salon & Gallery, along with Razor Sharp barbershop, also provided coupons so students would be able to get a free haircut.

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