Law enforcement to increase presence on roadways through holidays

There is a heightened effort in Butler County and all of Ohio to encourage sober driving through the holidays.

Those who have visited Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park in Hamilton in the past month may have seen a reminder to “buckle up” in lights that are part of the “Journey Borealis” drive-thru holiday exhibit. There is also one at Light Up Middletown in Smith Park.

Butler County Safe Communities (BCSC) plans to have a table with information Dec. 21 at the Middletown Christmas Carol Off at the Sorg Opera House.

“It’s so important that drivers act responsibly, and that includes refraining from impaired driving,” said Aubrey Woods, coordinator of BCSC. “The holidays are a special time of year for many, and we want our community members to enjoy this season. We need drivers’ commitment to keeping the roads free of drunk drivers so that everyone can have a safe holiday” she said.

Statistics from Dec. 1 to Jan. 1 in 2020 and 2021 reveal that Butler County saw 52 alcohol-related crashes.

The U.S. Dept. of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is promoting the message “Drive Sober of Get Pulled Over” and said there will be increased law enforcement patrolling roadways starting this Friday through Jan. 1.

Nationally, driving with a blood-alcohol content level of .08 or higher is illegal (except in Utah where is is .05).

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