Butler County Real Estate Investor Association begins series on how to start investing

Class will feature a panel on short-term and long-term rentals, wholesale real estate and more.

Credit: Nick Graham

Credit: Nick Graham

The Butler County Real Estate Investor Association is launching its first ever educational series on real estate Thursday at Miami University’s Hamilton campus.

The opening class, dubbed Real Estate 101 by BCREIA President Nick Gallant, is designed to introduce younger, prospective investors to the industry and teach them what they need to get started — an addition to the local industry Gallant believes is necessary.

Gallant said BCREIA is full of experienced investors with vast property portfolios, but not enough younger investors interested in the industry.

“We have a lot of very experienced real estate investors and we’re trying to attract the next wave of investors that are trying to get into the market,” Gallant said. “A lot of our investors have been in the industry for 30+ years, so they may either be looking to sell or looking to get out of the industry or to scale back.”

BCREIA will host one class per quarter, which will be followed up with DIY workshops on how to rehab homes and a networking breakfast where investors are intended to connect. Thursday’s class will feature a panel discussion that highlights how local investors got their start in wholesale real estate, and short-term and long-term rentals, according to Gallant.

Gallant said adding younger investors to the mix will complete a “circle” in the local industry that would benefit BCREIA “on a lot of levels, as well as the members, new and old.” Gallant said newer investors, over time, will be able to learn and buy properties from older investors who are looking toward scaling back their real estate investments.

Thursday’s 6 to 9 p.m. class is free to first-time BCREIA visitors. Tickets can be printed at ButlerCountyREIA.com.

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