Funny Bone Comedy School teaches aspiring comics the basics

Tim Loulies, holding the flowers, is the head instructor for the Funny Bone Comedy School. He is seen here with the spring Liberty Funny Bone Comedy School graduates. CONTRIBUTED

Tim Loulies, holding the flowers, is the head instructor for the Funny Bone Comedy School. He is seen here with the spring Liberty Funny Bone Comedy School graduates. CONTRIBUTED

Performing stand-up comedy is much more complicated than just being funny, and the Dayton and Liberty Funny Bone’s upcoming Comedy School is where aspiring comics can learn the basics.

The virtual six-week course will teach the core elements of doing stand-up comedy including writing, stage presence, professionalism and much more. On June 19, a free introduction workshop is available for anyone interested in learning more about the course.

“Before anyone enrolls, I do the intro class to tell everyone what to expect from the course,” said Tim Loulies, head instructor for the Funny Bone Comedy School. “The intro is to break the misconceptions about stand-up comedy. I teach the reality of comedy. As a working comic, teaching is a passion of mine. Promoting is a part I teach, but at same time, I want them to know what they are getting themselves into.”

Loulies is a professional working comedian who has performed at the legendary Apollo Theater in Harlem, the Los Angeles Comedy Store, the Hollywood Improv, MGM Grand Harbor, and he is featured on XM Satellite Radio. He has been the instructor for 12 years and has taught 850 students through the comedy school.

“I’m a straight shooter. I don’t teach from the pulpit, I teach from the gutter. When I teach, I often learn things myself. I love this business for all its beauties and its flaws,” he said.

The six-week course is $250 and will culminate in a graduation show that Loulies headlines. The Cincinnati Funny Bone had a successful course and show last spring where all the students also performed. However, Loulies wants to stress that this course isn’t just for comics.

“I am straightforward about the business. Not everyone goes on to do stand-up, but some have been successful. Some people take the course to improve their public speaking skills, for their bucket list or work life. Some people want to come out of their shell,” he said.

Writing is the focus of the first several classes. Loulies said that many people have been told they are funny and start out as good storytellers. Loulies helps them take their eight-minute stories to a minute and a half bit for the stage, as stage time is limited and the audience has to like it.

“Some people who are the most introverted have the most to say,” he said. “When you learn to write properly for stand-up comedy, you learn a lot about yourself and how to deal with your own insecurities. I teach people how they can be relatable.”

Loulies said he has had students go on to perform all over the country and obtain TV credits. One student went on to write monologues for Jimmy Kimmel’s late-night show. Loulies also said that after the course he still continues to mentor many of the students. He also said that he loves the graduation shows.

“They [students] build a great camaraderie with each other. They go on to be lifelong friends. The main they get is a sense of accomplishment when they perform in front of their family and friends. They embrace the art of stand-up,” Loulies said.

The course is for those in Dayton and in Butler County, and there will be a graduation show at each location at the conclusion of the course. The introduction workshop and six-week course will be on Wednesday nights.

More details

For more information, visit Go to the calendar and click on Funny Bone Comedy School Free Intro to sign up.

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