How to help this year’s Community Food Relief campaign for Shared Harvest Foodbank

Dear Reader,

Hunger is one of the hidden problems in our region. Children and families are suffering because they are hungry. Often, people take for granted something that is a daily struggle for thousands of families.

The good news: your continued support of the Community Food Relief is making a difference. Last year we provided nearly $11,000 to help Shared Harvest Foodbank feed hungry families. Every penny stays in our community, supporting families that need help. All contributions are distributed through a network of community and faith-based food pantries, shelters and community kitchens. Your donation goes right onto the tables of families who have nowhere else to turn. Last year we provided nearly 88,000 nutritious meals to people right here at home.

For every $1 you give, we can provide food for eight meals in Butler, Preble, Warren, Miami, and Darke Counties. Would you consider supporting us?

Giving is easy and your donations are tax deductible:

• Go to to give online

• Send a check to Community Food Relief, 5901 Dixie Dr. Fairfield, OH 45014

• Look for the envelopes inserted in the Journal News in today’s paper and on November 24, December 15, and December 22.

On behalf of the hundreds of volunteers, and the people the Community Food Relief Campaign helps, we thank you. Together we can change lives and provide hope, one meal at a time.


Rob Rohr

Market Vice President

Cox Media Group, Ohio

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