5 days, nearly 15,000 new coronavirus cases in Ohio this week

Over the last five days Ohio has reported 14,667 cases of coronavirus, topping out with a record-breaking 3,845 cases Friday, according to the Ohio Department of Health.

It was Ohio’s second day in a row reporting more than 3,000 cases and it’s second day breaking the daily case record.

Ohio surpassed 200,000 total cases on Monday. As of Friday, there have been 212,782 cases reported in the state.

The state’s seven-day positivity rate is at 6.2%, according to ODH. On Wednesday, the most recent day data was available, Ohio’s positivity rate was 7%, and is tied with Monday for the highest rate the state has reported this month.

There were 169 hospitalizations attributed to the virus on Friday, bringing the total to 18,969. On Thursday, 194 hospitalizations were reported, it was the third highest number the state has seen, Gov. Mike DeWine said.

“Despite today’s grim data, I’m optimistic,” he said Thursday. “Ohioans have the tools, they know what works, and we always rally when we need to rally. I know people will do that. We can slow down this invader. The decisions each Ohioan makes each day will determine what kind of winter we have.”

As of Thursday, Ohio’s five highest days for hospitalizations had all been reported in the last week and a half. There are 1,629 Ohioans hospitalized with COVID-19 throughout the state, accounting for 5.97% of total hospital beds, according to ODH. In Southwest Ohio, there are 514 coronavirus patients in hospitals. It is the most the region has reported in the last two weeks. Coronavirus patients account for 7.32% of the region’s hospital beds.

Ohio added 25 ICU admissions for a total of 3,841. Sixteen deaths were reported Friday, bringing the total to 5,291.

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