Coronavirus: Quarantine guidelines updated for spring sport athletes

Spring sport athletes will no longer be required to quarantine if they are exposed to coronavirus in the classroom, according to an amended public health order signed by Ohio Department of Health Director Stephanie McCloud.

Instead, athletes will be able to continue to participate in sports as long as they do not develop COVID symptoms and follow other safety precautions.

According to the order, the CDC continues to endorse quarantining for 14 days if an athlete is exposed to the virus outside of the classroom.

However, an exposed athlete, coach, official or others who had close contact or direct physical contact with someone who tested positive can stop quarantining if the following occurs:

  • After 10 days without testing if the exposed person remains asymptomatic
  • After sevens days if an symptomatic person tests negative (test should occur on day five or later)

Once the quarantine is over the person should continue to monitor for symptoms for 14 days.

If a person starts showing signs of COVID, they should immediately self-isolate and contact their health care provider or local public health authority.

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