DEARDS, Denise
Denise May Deards entered this world 10 March 1952, and
departed this world on 16 Oct. 2020, after a prolonged and bitter fight with father time, he was her nemesis. Denise aka Denny is survived by a host of family members known colloquially as the Deards Gang. Members of the gang include her favorite child, by far, Paul von Hacker III aka Donovan. Other members include Deeona "Trick Shot" Fuson, Dilya "Boss
Mama" Deards, Dustin "Sith Lord" Deards, Destiny "Lil Thug" Deards, and a litany of grandchildren, friends, and followers who still spread her teachings.
Denise was a wonderfully complex, completely puzzling, women of small stature but immense presence. She was the type of mother and friend you'd want in a street, alley, or bar fight. She carried a wooden spoon in her purse and mastered using it like Bruce Lee mastered the nun chuck. If left weaponless she had one finger with tensile, a strength that exceeded steel, she'd use it like a Viking would a spear and stab you into submission. She was also the type of mother and friend you'd call if you made a mistake, not only because she'd help you out but because she had likely made the same bad decision and knew a trick or two to make things better. Denise was someone you could talk to about anything, cry with about everything, and laugh with about nothing.
Denise didn't want a funeral or viewing, she wanted to be remembered for being Denise and she wanted us to celebrate her life. She wanted her friends and family to learn from her victories and defeats. She will be remembered for her love of Elvis, John Denver, Kenny Rodgers, Pepsi, Monk, and of course her favorite child, Paul von Hacker III.
Denise, like all of us, met death. No man, no being, no king nor queen, will be sparred death, from the pauper to the prince, we will all know deaths touch. We all enter this world in a given year and leave on a given year, in-between that time is a simple sign, almost mundane and often over looked. It is a line, a line from the year you arrived to the year you left. If she were here today she would tell you that the most important part of life is that line, that simple and easy to forget symbol. That symbol speaks to our hopes, dreams,
triumphs, failures, joy, and pain. It speaks to all we could be, will be, and are willing to be.
While I will always feel like her favorite child I know that's not true because she made us all feel so very special, so loved, and so important. Denise loved us all equally and without limits, even to a fault at times. When she lost our sister, Dakota, it created a trauma that could never be treated, a wound of
unimaginable suffering. One she struggled with until her death. So, here is an idea and I think Mom would love this, in lieu of cards, condolences, or donations (as worthy as they may be) I submit the following. Let's tip our hat and raise our glasses to Denny, call a loved one and tell them you love them, play some loud music and dance in a parking lot, admit to a mistake you made and make it right, do something that fills a spot on that line between the year you arrived and the year you will depart.
Mom, we miss you, thanks for all the lessons, support, and love.
DEARDS, Denise