West Chester Twp. offers residents a look at history with ‘Pioneer Christmas’

Step back in time inside the Cabin in the Clearing at Keehner Park for a 19th century Yuletide celebration on the American frontier from 1-4 p.m. on Dec. 15.

Step back in time inside the Cabin in the Clearing at Keehner Park for a 19th century Yuletide celebration on the American frontier from 1-4 p.m. on Dec. 15.

West Chester Twp. will bring a holiday celebration to the community that is reminiscent of 1800s America with a Pioneer Christmas at Keehner Park this weekend.

“We expect people to enjoy the same cozy atmosphere that we’ve had for years in the cabin. The cabin did recently receive an update, so it’s an opportunity to check that out, and see how it looks from the inside,” said West Chester Twp. spokeswoman Barb Wilson.

She said the township has invested resources to protect the cabin by authentic restoration. So, the outside is now covered with traditional wood boards, which help to seal the logs.

“This helps to preserve the logs long term, and it’s what the pioneers would have done to their cabins to protect them,” Wilson said.

The Cabin in the Clearing in Keehner Park, 7211 Barret Road, will be decorated for a traditional Christmas party, like the kind enjoyed on the western frontier. Guests can take pictures with Santa and taste real pioneer food during the holiday open house from 1-4 p.m. on December 15. (Guests should bring a camera.) Go to www.westchesteroh.org for more details.

“The township has supported several legacy events in the township that were created by ‘Miss Mary’ Raffel, who was a devoted park lover, and she was our first park director in West Chester. Pioneer Christmas is one of those legacy events in this beautiful cabin. It’s an opportunity to open the doors, and the township continues to support it because it’s a lovely way to celebrate Christmas, and the history of the cabin we have,” Wilson said.

There will be a fire in the fireplace, and guests can enjoy Molasses cookies and apple cider. There will also be samples of Venison Chili, and game meat like Buffalo, Elk, Duck and Rabbit – things that the pioneers would have hunted and found on the land in West Chester and enjoyed during the holidays.

The 1833 log cabin was dedicated November 7, 1993. Located in Keehner Park, it was dismantled, relocated and rebuilt from pieces of two salvaged cabins. One cabin was originally from Preble County and the second one originally came from West Chester. Lakota School children helped raise the money for the project in the early 1990s.

The Cabin in the Clearing was rededicated in memory of Mary “Miss Mary” Raffel after her passing December 27, 2008. Raffel was a devoted naturalist and educator who worked for West Chester Parks & Recreation for two decades. She led the initial efforts to save the 1830s log cabin in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Today, the Pioneer Christmas program is led by Laura Groff, and the 16 x 30-ft., one-room log cabin at Keehner Park continues to educate children and community members about pioneer life. Visitors can get a glimpse of what life was like for people who lived in the Ohio Valley in the 1830s.

“Preserving the cabin was important to the community, and important to the township. So, it’s a beautiful amenity in our park, and continuing programming that celebrates that, helps us to educate children and families about our history as a community,” said Wilson.

How to go

What: Pioneer Christmas

When: 1-4 p.m., Dec. 15

Where: Keehner Park, Cabin in the Clearing, 7211 Barret Rd.

Cost: Free

More info.: www.westchesteroh.org

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