West Chester Twp. chiropractor suspended from practice for sexting with 6 patients

Murtland admits to charges, including exploiting patient relationships.

A West Chester Twp. chiropractor has been suspended from practice for sending sexually explicit pictures to six patients, according to documents from the Ohio State Chiropractic Board.

Dr. Nicholas Murtland’s license was suspended this month a per a consent agreement with the board.

During a board investigation, Murtland admitted to an investigator that he “committed acts of texting nude photos of his genitalia to multiple patients constituting conduct that exploits the doctor-patient relationship in a sexual manner and failure to maintain professional boundaries with interacting with patients via text messaging,”

The incidents involved six patients, but the documents do not give a time frame for the violations.

Murtland has agreed to submit to a comprehensive psychological assessment and follow recommendations.

During the investigation, Murtland was cooperative and has no previous disciplinary action with the board. He was licensed in May 2016.

After the completion of the suspension, Murtland will be placed on three years probation, which could include prohibiting patient contact via text messaging and social media.

The agreement is in lieu of formal action by the board, but “if, in the discretion of the board, Dr. Murtland appears to have violated or breached any terms or conditions of the agreement, the board reserves the right to institute formal disciplinary proceedings,” the agreement says.

The chiropractic board directed further questions to the West Chester Police Department and the Butler Prosecutor’s Office.

There have been no police reports filed concerning Murtland with West Chester Police in the past three years and township spokeswoman Barb Wilson said “we have nothing on this matter.”

Butler County Prosecutor Michael Gmoser said his office has no ongoing investigation.