Edgewood district earns kudos from state auditor

TRENTON — A recent Ohio financial audit of Edgewood City Schools has not only returned a clean audit report, but has earned the district the Auditor of State Award.

“This award is a reflection of the tremendous work ethic that all of the employees of the Edgewood School District display on a daily basis,” said Treasurer Randy Stiver. “All of our employees take great pride in making sure we account for all revenues and expenditures in a responsible manner.

“It is especially rewarding to see my staff, Lora Schueller, Becky Koontz and Debi Koster be recognized for all of the effort and care they take to make sure the district is accounting for our finances in a manner consistent with state guidelines and regulations,” he said.

The Auditor of State Award is presented to local governments and school districts upon the completion of a financial audit if they meet specified standards, including the lack of any findings for recovery, material citations, material weaknesses, significant deficiencies, Single Audit findings or questioned costs.

“We will continue to work towards making sure we perform our duties in a fiducially and prudent manner and provide the residents of our district the assurance we are accounting for the district’s finances in accordance with state and federal standards,” Stiver said.

Contact this reporter at (513) 820-2188 or rjones@coxohio.com.

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