Concern about customer causes hold-up alarm at Middletown McDonald’s

McDonald’s employees were so “afraid” of a customer they sounded a hold-up alarm, according to a Middletown police report.

When police officers arrived at 9:35 p.m. Jan. 4 at the McDonald’s, 2351 N. Verity Parkway, the shift manager told them she and other employees were worried for their safety because of the aggressive actions of a customer sitting in the back of the restaurant.

Police found Michael Steinmetz, 45, of Middletown, being loud and pacing and having his personal items placed on several tables.

Officers told him to leave the restaurant, then he became “aggressive” and yelled at the officers, they said. Steinmetz appeared to be intoxicated and his eyes were bloodshot and he displayed “aggressive gestures and the inability to focus,” the report read.

Officers told him to leave McDonald’s two more times, and when he refused, he was charged with disorderly conduct, a fourth-degree misdemeanor, and transported to the City Jail, according to a report.

Steinmetz pleaded guilty to the charge Monday in Middletown Municipal Court. Judge James Sherron sentenced Steinmetz to 30 days in jail and suspended 28 days. He was given credit for two days served. Steinmetz was placed on one-year probation and trespassed from McDonald’s, according to court records.

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