Ohio unveils new COVID-19 vaccine dashboard

A new COVID-19 dashboard on the Ohio Department of Health’s website shows vaccination rates for commonly requested ages.

The new dashboard breaks down the vaccine rate by ages 12 to 17, 18 to 29, 30 to 59, 60 to 79 and 80 and older.

It also includes a map of Ohio where users can hover over different counties for the individual vaccination rates.

As of Monday, 63.31% of Ohioans 12 and older have started the COVID-19 vaccine, according to the Ohio Department of Health. Currently, the vaccine is only authorized for people 12 and older.

About 48.5% of residents 18 to 29 have received at least one dose of the shot, as well as 61.54% of those 30 to 59, 82.7% of those 60 to79 and 81.25% of those 80 and older.

Nearly 59% of eligible Ohioans have completed the vaccine, including 37.03% of those 12 to 17, 43.29% of those 18 to 29, 56.98% of those 30 to 59, 79.12% of those 60 to 79 and 77.89% of those 80 and older.

ODH also updated the original COVID-19 vaccine dashboard to include additional dose of the vaccine. Previously it only showed how many Ohioans have started and completed the vaccine.

Ohio reported more than 4,000 daily cases of coronavirus Monday, bringing its total to 1,433,957 cases, according to the Ohio Department of Health.

The state recorded 4,212 cases in the last day, nearly 2,000 thousand cases fewer than the 21-day average of 6,179.

In the last week, Ohio is averaging 5,751 cases a day.

ODH Director Dr. Bruce Vanderhoff said Monday morning that the state’s cases appear to be cresting and beginning to decline.

He encouraged Ohioans to stay vigilant, get vaccinated and continue following health guidelines to prevent spreading the virus.

Monday also marked the first day the state is adding reinfections to its cases data. The change came following up an update on case definition from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists.

Previously, reinfections did not meet the case definition for COVID-19, Vanderhoff said. Now, the state will count reinfections starting from Sept. 1 that took up 90 days or more after the previous infections.

Ohio will not add reinfections that took place before Sept. 1.

While cases may be decreasing, hospitalizations and ICUs are still high.

As of Monday, Ohio had 3,520 COVID-19 patients in its hospitals, including 949 in ICUs and 637 on ventilators, according to ODH.

Coronavirus patients account for 13.4% of hospital beds, 20.09% of ICU beds and 13.41% of ventilators.

The state has 6,299 (23.9%) beds, 1,007 (21.32%) ICU beds and 2,898 (61.01%) of ventilators available.

In the last day, Ohio recorded 217 hospitalizations and 18 ICU admissions. The state is averaging 261 hospitalizations a day and 23 ICU admissions a day in the last three weeks, according to ODH.

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