House leader: Republican contest is a 'two-person' race

Credit: Anthony Shoemaker

Credit: Anthony Shoemaker

Ohio Gov. John Kasich says the Republican presidential contest is a four-person race. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio says it's a three-person race. Today House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said it was a two-person race.

In an interview today on Morning Joe on MSNBC, McCarthy said "The bigger advantage is to Trump ... I think there's more than a 50 percent chance he's the nominee. And I think that's what's setting in for a lot of people."

McCarthy was considered the likely replacement as speaker to John Boehner last fall, but withdrew from consideration after more conservative members of the House challenged him.

McCarthy did say Kasich would be an "excellent" president.

McCarthy also said he could work with Trump if he was elected. When asked about Texas Sen. Ted Cruz he said that was "an unfair question."

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