Middletown charter school wants to match students with employers

A Middletown charter school has initiated a career program geared toward connecting students with the business community, said Principal Chuck Hall.

Marshall High School’s Career Readiness Program provides students with “real life” job experiences while allowing them to explore potential career options, Hall said. The school recently hosted a luncheon where schools officials discussed the program with business leaders.

Hall called the program “a new baby for us.”

The school requires students commit themselves to the “highest standards” of responsibility and behavior, he said, adding that students will gain valuable work experience and contacts, be introduced to a career, and apply classroom knowledge.

“They need a pathway to be successful,” Hall said. “The best way to grow a community is to invest in young people.”

Marshall students will be placed in entry-level positions at participating businesses and every student will be available to work at least 100 hours of placement, Hall said. After that period, the employer will evaluate the students’ performance for future job placement, he said.

Throughout the program, students will work with Kelven Moss, vocational specialist at Marshall. Some of the benefits of the program, Moss said, include: students gain a head start in their career fields that can lead to full-time employment after high school graduation; students earn money for college; students can develop social relationships and skills; and students can increase their motivation and sometimes improve grades.

Moss said some of the benefits to employers: Well-trained students who are available for career employment; and develop positive school relations and become a contributor to the educational process.

To prepare students for the program, they will take five academic units that will teach them: Respect for self and others; achieving confidence; qualities of character; understanding the rules of the game; and confidently I proceed, Moss said.

Any business interested in learning more about the Career Readiness Program is asked to call Moss at 513-318-7078 or email him at kelven.moss@marshallhs.org.

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