Middletown approves property transfer going through resident’s house

Middletown City Council approved a motion this week that would donate property to a Grand Avenue resident who found that city-owned property went through her house.

City Manager Doug Adkins told council members this week that the property owned by Brenda Joyce Perkins McCommons is divided into nine parcels and discovered that three of those front parcels were owned by the city that goes through her house and that AK Steel owned a small sliver of a parcel at the rear of her property. McCommons owns the majority of the parcels.

Adkins said, “There are no records here as to why we originally owned the property or when we got it.”

In his staff report, Community Revitalization Director Kyle Fuchs said that after checking with the city’s Engineering and Public Works departments, nobody had an explanation as to why these were ever split off in this manner.

“It is simply an assumption that many years back there may have been a right of way/easement issue for some means but there is no longer a need or reason for that split,” Fuchs said in his report.

Fuchs said McCommons requested that the city correct the error and deed those parcels to her to avoid any real estate issues for her in the future and that staff agreed with her request.

He said the city initially looked into doing a lot consolidation of all the parcels but found that survey costs for doing so were going to approach around $4,000.

Fuchs recommended that simply deeding her the three parcels would give her control to do what she needed and eliminate any unnecessary cost from the city. He said the value of all three parcels according to the Butler County Auditor website is $0. Fuchs said it’s unknown why AK Steel owns the rear portion of those parcels.

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